Cheese Domes Hand D1.jpg Cloche OLA cut.jpg

Cheese Dome

from $125.00
round handled board P1EDIT.jpg TEXT_16R walnut.jpg

Round Cheeseboard with handle

from $155.00
MAPLE.jpg BlackWalnutSQ.jpg

Magnetic Knife Holder

from $150.00
SITE_Footed Platter_1130 R1.jpg SITE_Footed Platter_1135.jpg

Footed Platter

Longboard Wide Limited Edition Longboard at Majolica.jpg

Longboard Wide Limited Edition

from $145.00
Tria + Tenaya.jpg 1.jpg

Tria + Bar Poulet Boards

from $70.00
BV1.jpg 1.jpg

Bud Vases

from $65.00
4.jpg 1.jpg

Cutoff Bowls

from $65.00
Carved Dish 6_LWG_Carve.jpg

Carved Dish

from $82.50
Olive Bowls Walnut+Olive2_5727.jpg

Olive Bowls

Handled Board Small SITE new_handled board small cherry HORZ.jpg

Handled Board Small

Photo Jun 24, 10 29 52 PM.jpg Photo Jun 24, 10 09 26 PM.jpg

Cutoff Bowl v2

from $50.00
Char2.jpg Char1.jpg

Charred Ash Bowls

from $58.00
Artifaqt Balm V2 R1.jpg Balm Pour_4766 SQ.jpg

Artifaqt Balm

from $12.00
Smart Susan.jpg IMG_4471.jpg
Sold Out

24" Smart Susan

PD_CHAR_1608.jpg SITE_PD_CHAR_1609.jpg

Pinch Dishes

from $20.00
RH Yountville_3135.jpg RH on Edina table.jpg

The Board

SITE_LB-W walnut_0865.jpg LB-W cherry_0866 SQ.jpg

Longboard Wide

from $120.00
Wood Platter 4 - walnut CU with nuts Lighter BG_tallerr.jpg Wood Board 4 Walnut_1D.jpg
Sold Out

Carved Walnut Platter

Photo Mar 27, 1 35 50 PM.jpg

Artifaqt Gift Card

from $25.00
SITE_Sculpted Wood One on Maple board SQ.jpg Sculpted Wood Tray One V2.jpg

Sculpted Wood Two

Food Pedestals SITE_Trapezoid cherry 2.jpg

Food Pedestals

from $125.00
Purse Stool Control Side angled.jpg

Purse Stool

SITE_BOWL7 WAL_1250.jpg SITE_BOWL7 ASH_1236.jpg

Small Wooden Bowl

from $50.00
iPad Stand_back.jpg iPad Stand_4144 copy.jpg


Four Seasons 2 boards stacked.jpg

Charred Ash Platter

SQ.1500_SW2_detail LIGHTER.jpg SQ.1500_SW2 profile.jpg
Sold Out

Sculpted Wood One
